Ruffles of truffles are trundling through Bundles of goodness and brown chocolate goo Dipped and replete with zest up the wazoo Green for matcha Coconut like laksa Cocoa powder for days Raspberry dusting for glaze And supernatural carob canapes This poem is mostly gibberish Is nearly 100% frivolous But that’s what happens when you eat…
Matcha Marshmallows (paleo)
The sounds of horse hooves echoed: ba doom ba doom. Ba doom ba doom. Like coconut shells, but a lot less funny. Thickets of wet leaves whipped past, shouts filled the burning forests, and she found herself slipping, thudding onto the hard ground, which gave way to a long, dark tunnel, the depths of which…
Matcha Latte (paleo, vegan)
Green is a color I like Green is a color I like in a bike To move and to circle and wheel and freestand To lip and to squeal and gurgle and remand We say, hey man let those green eyelids go Let them go til they flow into rivers of roe And green becomes…