Sweet potato gnocchi Delicate and floaty Flavorful and cozy Chewy mini mochi Fresh and light and low-key Tender sweet and rosy Won’t make you have to go pee So sit and eat some gnocchi! [I had an alternative last couplet here involving snow peas and spring, decided to go with the more sophisticated option…
Cassava Gnocchi (paleo, AIP, vegan)
Gnocchi are low-key The slightest bit oak-y Not really smoky But fun to go poke-y Rustic and folk-y The slightest bit hokey They go with enoki Won’t make you get croaky Best have some before you go sing karaoke So say okie dokie And eat lots of gnocchi! (Okay I’m out. Next week: gnocchi…
Pumpkin Gnocchi with Bacon & Sage (paleo, AIP)
I remember the first time I had gnocchi. I was sitting in a café in Paris in the late November light, gazing out onto the banks of the Seine, when my companion suggested we go for early dinner before the sun went down. So we flagged the waiter, paid for our café au laits, and…