Hello there! I’m J.S., aspiring novelist and your host and narrator of Flash Fiction Kitchen. For the past couple years, I’ve been focusing on novel-writing, specifically a sci-fi trilogy and social justice-themed YA and MG projects. In the upcoming months, I’ll be adapting the blog to be more of a writer’s site, while keeping the FFK content available (and posting the occasional new recipe). Stay tuned and please subscribe to my newsletter for updates on that score!
When I was in my early 30s, I started Flash Fiction Kitchen as a way to turn my notorious procrasti-baking tendencies into a fiction project and delve further into the imaginary world. This coincided with the period of my life when I was hopping around the Asia-Pacific (Guam, Fiji, Vancouver, and Bangkok, to be specific) doing human rights work, searching for amazing ancestral dishes (hello dinuguan, Fijian cassava cake, and anything with dragonfruit), and working on a few health issues that cropped up in my late 20s.
Now I’m in DC, still doing human rights stuff and enjoying semi-regular travel back to Asia-Pacific, with enough time to wrap a couple novel projects (after only 14 years, hooray!), and a home-base to start playing and making music with a talented bunch of musicians (another a longtime life goal, made easier by finally having an apartment in which to stash a menagerie of instruments).
Feel free to check out my stuff and say hello – and thanks for stopping by!
Blog / Flash Fiction Kitchen Deets
Foodfiction features flash fiction stories and poems accompanied by recipes, photos, and occasional illustrations. No particular theme, relatively kid-friendly, and anything in the fantasy-dragons-princess-animals-real life-mythical creatures realm is fair game.
All of my recipes are wheat-and-dairy-free, paleo, and most are also autoimmune-protocol (AIP) compliant and/or modifiable. A decade ago, I experienced a sudden onset of food allergies, and nutrient-dense, low-inflammation diets have helped me reverse a downward slide and stave off the onset of full-blown autoimmunity. (A secondary discourse on that here.) The focus of the blog is not alternative diets, but I’m grateful to the functional health community and hope my stories and recipes can be enjoyed by all, especially those struggling with food restrictions. I’ve found the hardest recipes to find and adapt (particularly for AIP) are savory snacks and baked goods, so I concentrate mostly on those. The recipes are not meant to be super detailed or complicated, but to provide a basic blueprint while emphasizing taste, affordability, and overall appeal.